Monday, February 1, 2010

Film lingo list

Are people speaking another language to you on set? The good folks over at Microfilmmaker Magazine complied a really great list of industry lingo. Although I would not call it a complete list, it's a start for beginner people who can't quite talk the talk yet. Some examples:

Deep Focus:
A style of cinematography and staging that uses relatively wide angle lenses and small lens apertures by maintaining objects in the extreme background and foreground simultaneously focused. (Cinematography)

Dolly Shot:
Any shot made from a moving dolly. These may also be called tracking or traveling shots. (Production)

Room Tone:
The "noise" of a room, set or location where dialog is recorded during Production. Used by film and dialog editors as a "bed" to form a continuous tone through a particular scene. This is often confused with ambience, which might be sound effects and/or reverberation added when the dialog is mixed.

A/B Rolls:
Two or more rolls of film having alternate scenes intercut with opaque leaders in such a way tshat the 'A' roll presents its picture at the same time that the 'B' roll presents opaque leader, and vice versa. (Film Editing)

Pay or Play:
A contract provision which commits the production company to compensate a cast or crew member for a project whether or not that project ever goes into production.

The rest of the Film dictionary is here

Happy Filmmaking!!!


Unknown said...

We need more independent film resources. I'm subscribing.

Femme Fatale et Noire said...
