Thursday, April 4, 2013

Remembering Ebert: 1942-2013


If you were alive in the 90s, you remembered that dynamic duo that make film criticism into its own artform. Sadly, that duo is no longer with us. Today, Roger Ebert died from a reemerging cancer only reported to the public two days ago.

Even the racists today on that website I won't dare link to gave Ebert his props today (Ebert was in love and married to a successful woman named Chaz who just happens to be black). Ebert was probably our most celebrated film critic, a true cinephile who sometimes would give an otherwise questionable film a second look. And we loved him for it. A quote from his final blog post: "So on this day of reflection I say again, thank you for going on this journey with me. I'll see you at the movies." RIP.

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