Sunday, July 27, 2014

Best Advice I Received While in Film School: Are you growing as a filmmaker?

You may have heard of this little social media trend called #ThrowbackThursday. Because nostalgia is marketable, #ThrowbackThursday has expanded from personal stories to reflections on how "stupid we were back then."

Reflect back to the start of your filmmaking career. What mistakes have you made? How far have you grown as a filmmaker? Are you better at your craft? Have you tighten up your story?

I made this video while at the Richard Lawson Studios. I nearly forgot about it. It was shot around November 2010. It made me smile because my career was facing a lot of uncertainty. I had just left my day job to concentrate on filmmaking. I also failed at it several times. Several doors were shut in my face. 

Now in 2014, my career is taking a more positive turn. I finally have a car, and I own better equipment. This is my point: if you want to make a career in film, you WILL face some uncertainty and some moments where you would want to give up. This #ThrowbackThursday video reminded me how optimistic I was about my career, even with my limitations. In the end, isn't this the point of #ThrowbackThursday? Failure is a constant for truly successful people. Embrace it!

Happy Filmmaking!

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